"Ma'baby daddy..."
It's a shame when you think about it, really. You have to have a license to drive, fish, or hunt, but you don't need a license to become a parent. Many don't know this, but there's a whole new breed of obgyn patients now that don't have husbands or boyfriends. Instead, they have "ma'baby daddy". Anyone who has ever watched an episode of Jerry Springer knows what I am talking about. They share their bodies carelessly with whatever man pays attention to them, then 9 months later they show up to labor & delivery. Usually they show up without their man, known only as "ma'baby daddy". If he does happen to make an appearance, Ma'baby Daddy has a girlfriend or two in tow, which causes quite an interesting commotion in the delivery area. I'm not sure when it was that mankind took a huge turn for the worse, but I am pretty certain that Charles Darwin would be shaking his head in frustration if he were alive today to see this.
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