Surprise! I didn't win Powerball, but I did win the UK lottery!
I can't believe I bought a stupid ticket to the lottery in the first place. Personally, I think lotteries are evil but I'm certainly not going to stop anyone else from buying a ticket, which is why I voted in favor of the lottery 2 years ago. Was I planning on ever buying a ticket? No. You see, I view the lottery as just another way for the goverment to bilk money out of people, then carelessly spent it. It's not like anyone's taxes are getting lowered due to the increased revenue the lottery is bringing in. So, getting back to the subject, on Friday I was buying stuff to make pizza and I got wooed by the signs everwhere stating that Powerball was up to 300-something million, and I figured, well, what will it hurt to buy a couple of tickets? Big surprise. I didn't win. And I'll never see that $2 again, either. Ah well. I guess by not winning I saved myself the trouble of losing all my privacy. On one positive note, I do keep recieving e-mails stating I've won the UK lottery. All I have to do is e-mail my bank account info to some stranger in a foreign country. I'm still trying to figure out the mystery of how I won something I never entered..
So now onto something that bugs me. Semi-truck drivers. Here it's 20 degrees outside, it's sleeting, and there's over an inch of ice on the interstate. I'm driving 40 mph NOT in the fast lane, and some dumb truck driver comes up right behind me and tail gates me! How smart is that? What if I spin out and he has too much momentum to stop before he slams into me? I really don't understand why they do that. It's not just semi-truck drivers, either. I'm just picking on them right now because they are heavier and it's more difficult for them to stop. They are also sleep deprived and may have a decrease in concentration. It would be really nice if they would quit thinking about themselves and consider safety for once. It is really, really stupid to tailgate someone when there's ice on the road (or really, any other time). OK, I'm finished with that rant. I'm right though, aren't I?
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