Oboists for hire...
Not really. I just felt like putting in this photo of the oboe section of the band I play in. I think this was before our Christmas concert (yes, it's Christmas, not holiday...and we played Christmas music!). I can't think of any other reason why I would wear a gold satin shirt to a concert.
Today was my last day of school and I didn't even show up! You see, I was going to, but then my back started hurting. It's an old injury from a stupid nothing of a car wreck I had about 10 years ago. Out of the blue 5 years ago, it started flaring up. Now, about every 5 months, the muscles around my cervical vertebra like to spasm, which sort of "tweaks" my ulnar nerve going down my right arm and into my pinky. When it flares up, my arm hurts really bad. You know that feeling you get when you hit your elbow in just the right place and you feel electricity all the way down your arm? Well, that's what this feels like, except it doesn't go away. I tried taking Alleve but my pain just laughed at it. I finally got out the Big Guns that I had leftover from surgery awhile back. After surfing the internet goofy for a couple of hours, I finally fell asleep around 3am. So I didn't go to school. Why bother? Nobody knows I'm supposed to be there anyway.
Which brings me to my next topic. Wow. I'm like, finished with medical school!
My plans this weekend: My boyfriend is going to a bachelor party in a big city that starts with a 'D' (and he's not even going to go shopping at Mark Shale or Neiman Marcus!). I'm going to paint my living room and install my new fabric pleated blinds that I ordered.
What a great looking group. I'd hire them in a second but, then again, I'm kinda biased.
Signed.. .the guy on the right :-)
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