Tonight I'm reminiscing last week's vacation. This is a photo outside our balcony at Hotel Loretto. I had to put a picture of me in there because my boyfriend would rather me not post pictures of you are stuck with me.
Today was fun. Woke up, did my usual Saturday lunch at Mimi's Cafe, and then my boyfriend and I went to Harold's to look for me a silk sleeveless blouse to wear to my senior banquet Thursday Night. Didn't find a blouse, but I did find a cool dress there that I bought. Well, I really didn't find it. My boyfriend found it. Everything he finds for me always looks great and everything I pick out doesn't look so good. I'm thinking he missed his calling as a fashion consultant..seriously. And the best part about it is, he's straight! I think I'm going to wear the dress to graduation this Saturday. I love Harold's. They are really expensive, but I never feel bad about spending money there because their clothes don't go out of style. I have a blouse I bought there 10 years ago that I can stil wear and it still looks good. Unfortunately, it's a bit worn out which was my reason for my attempt to replace it today. I bought another summery blouse today and then my boyfriend bought me a pair of black sandals to match the dress. I'd say my dopamine receptors were adequately stimulated today with all the shopping.
Oh my gosh. I can't believe it. The news just announced Ray Nagan won the mayoral election. ~shaking head~ I have totally lost faith in the voters of New Orleans. Can I choose to have no more of my tax money going to support that disaster area? No. Legalized theft. Ain't it great?
Well, I better go or else I will rant some more.....